List of Publications

List of Publication year-wise (2023 – 2005):
01. Hasina Begum, 2023. Statistical Analysis in GWAS. International Journal of Science and Research, 12(12), 2023.

02. Hasina Begum, 2023. Analyzing Genetic Variability and Heritability in Rice Breeding. A focus on Yield Improvement. International Journal of Science and Research, 12(12), 2023.

03. Hasina Begum, 2023. Association Mapping of Agronomic, Grain characteristics, yield components and yield traits using an elite breeding panel. International Journal of Science and Research, 12(12), 2023.

04. S.M.R. Haque, M.F. Mondal, M.K. Hassan, M.N. Islam, M.M.I. Hoque, S. Ahamed and M.S.H. Bir. 2022. Effects of Organic Manures on Growth and Yield of Cabbage. Journal of agriculture, food and Environment, 3(2): 45-49. http:// journal. safebd. org/index. php/jafe

05. Md. Jafar Ullah, Jebonnessa Dhalia, Md. Sohel Mahmud, Md. Mahirul Islam Biswas and Kaniz Fatima, (2022). Effect of Alternate Furrow Irrigation on white maize varieties. J. Expt. Bio sci. 13(1): 43-54

06. Mahmud A., Hossain M.M., Hossain M.I., Bayazid K.N., Islam M.R. (2021). Tobacco dust combined with fertilizers improves the soil health and profit of rice cultivation in silty loam soil of Bangladesh. Journal of Agriculture, Food and Environment 2(1):45-49 doi:

07. Nazifa, Z., Aminuzzaman, F. M., Akhter, K., Rehena, M. K., & Laila, L. (2021). Survey on Rice Blast and Morphological Characterization of Magnaporthe oryzae. Journal of Advances in Microbiology, 21, 8-21.

08. I.A. Epe, M.S.H. Bir, A.K. Choudhury, A. Khatun, M.M Aktar, M. Ali, B. Khaitov and Kee Woong Park. 2021. Genetic Diversity analysis of high yielding rice (Oryza sativa) varieties cultivated in Bangladesh. Korean Journal of Agricultural Science 48(2):283-297.

09. QM Mahmud, A.H.M. Asadur Rahman, Abdul Mannan Akanda, M. Mofazzal Hossain and Md. Motaher Hossain, 2021.Survey on Rice Blast Disease Incidence in Major Rice growing areas of Bangladesh. South Asian Journal of Biological Research, Vol. 4(1):1-13

10. Abdul hamid1Jatish C. Biswas2, M. Mahirul Islam Biswas1,Faruque H. Mollah1, Thwi Mong Mrma1, Aung Swiy Sing Marma1, Mong Sanue3, Kironmoy Dewan3 (2021). Evaluating Rice Biodiversity and Yields of Upland Rice Landraces Grown in Shifting Cultivation in Banderban, Bangladesh. J. Bot. Res.; 3(2), DOI: 10.30564/jbr.v3i2.3033

11. Nazifa, Z., Aminuzzaman, F. M., Laila, L., & Ashrafi, M. L. (2021). Comparative in Vitro Efficacy Assessment Methods of a Bioagent Trichoderma harzianum THR 4 against Rice Blast Pathogen Magnaporthe oryzae. Open Access Library Journal, 8(12), 1-13.

12. Nazifa, Z., Aminuzzaman, F. M., Laila, L., & Rehena, M. K. (2021). In Vitro Efficacy of Botanicals against Rice Blast Pathogen Magnaporthe oryzae. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 12(4), 662-678.

13. M.S. Islam, M.M. Islam, M.H. Rahman, S. Khanam, M.S.H. Bir, L.T. Hien and K.W. Park. 2020. Investigation of different herbicides on weed infestation and yield performance of transplant Binadhan-14 (Oryza sativa L.) in Bangladesh. Weed Turf. Sci. 9(3):259-265.

14. M.N.N. Mazumder, A. Bobo, S.C. shin, L.Jacxsens, T. Akter, M.S.H. Bir, M.H. Rahman, J. WeiQiang and K.W. Park. 2020. Probabilistic exposure assessment, a risk-based sampling plan and food safety performance evaluation of common vegetables (Tomato and Brinjal) in Bangladesh. Korean Journal of Agricultural Science 48:33-43. kjoas.20200072

15. U.S. Ami, F.A. Happy, M. S. Arefin, M. A. Islam, M. M. Hasan, I. A. Epe and M.S.H. Bir. 2020. Major Problems and Challenges of Egg Production and Marketing in Bangladesh. JAFE. 1(2): 16-22.

16. U.S. Ami, F. A. Happy, M. S. Arefin, M. A. Islam, M.M. Hasan, G.M.A. and M.S.H. Bir. 2020. Marketing System and Efficiency of Egg in Selected Areas of Mymensingh District in Bangladesh. JAFE. 1(2): 09-15.

17. BegumH, Alam MS, Feng Y, Koua P, Shrestha A, Kamruzzaman M, Dadshani S, Ballvora A, Naz A H, Frei M. 2020. Genetic dissection of bread wheat diversity and identification of adaptive loci in response to elevated tropospheric ozone. Plant, Cell &Environment. 2020; 1-16. ( (Numberofcitations-40)

18. M.S.H. Bir, M.M. Aktar, M.R. Uddin, B. Khaitov and K.W. Park. 2019. Crop ecosystem responses and weed population under elevated temperature regimes. Bioscience Research, 16 (4): 3927-3936.

19. M. A. Mannan, Md. JafarUllah, Md. Mahirul Islam Biswas, (2019). Varietal performance of white maize as influenced by different weed management practices. J. Expt. Bio sci. 10(1): 67- 68

20. Rayhanul, M. I., Aminuzzaman, F. M., Chowdhury, M. S. M., Laila, L., & Ahmed, M. (2019). Survey on Rice Blast in Some Selected Area of Bangladesh and in Vitro Evaluation of Fungicides against Pyricularia oryzae. Bangladesh Journal of Plant Pathology, 35, 59-64.

21. Tanjina, A., Aminuzzaman, F. M., Islam, M. R., Joty, A. A., Laila, L., & Rayhanul, M. I. (2019). Survey on Wheat Blast and Morphological Variability of Magnaporthe oryzae triticum in Two South-Western Districts of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Plant Pathology, 35, 39-46.

22. M.S.H. Bir, L.T. Hien, O.K. Won, A. Bobo, F. Ruziev, M. Umurzokov, W. Jia, H.J Yun, B. Khaitov and K.W. Park. 2018. Growth Response of Weed Species in a Paddy Field under Elevated Temperatures. Weed Turf. Sci. 7(4):321-329.

23. M.S.H. Bir, M.S. Haque, M.M. Haque, U.K. Nath, R.A. Khatun, M. Ali, E.H. Soh and K.W. Park. 2018. Analysis of genetic polymorphisms in somaclonal variants of strawberry by RAPD marker. Bioscience Research, 15(3):2840-2847.

24. M.S.H. Bir, M.R. Haider, M.M. Haque, M.S. Islam, T.K. OH and K.W. Park. 2018. Impact and adaptation strategies of climate change in agricultural extension system in Bangladesh. Bioscience Research, 15(1):357-368.

25. M.S.H. Bir, M. Ali, M.H. Rahman, S.K. Ayesha, A. Hoque, M.H.A. Rashid, M.R. Islam, J.W. Cho and K.W. Park. 2018. Effect of crop establishment method and N management practice on productivity of transplanted aman rice. Bioscience Research, 15(1):65-73.

26. M. Ali, M.S.H. Bir, M.H. Rahman, S.K. Ayesha, A. Hoque, M.H.A-Rashid4, M.R. Islam and K.W. Park. 2018. Effect of Crop Establishment and Weed Control Method on Productivity of Transplanted aman Rice. Weed Turf. Sci. 7(2):120-129.

27. M.H. Rahman, M.S.H. Bir, M.M. Islam, M. Ali, M.N.N. Mazumder, J. Nain, M.S. Islam, M.R. Islam, T.K. OH and K.W. Park. 2018. Impact of short duration and high yielding aman rice varieties in Manga areas of Bangladesh. Bioscience Research, 15(1):513-517.

28. Ullah, M. J., Islam M. M., Fatima K., et al. (2018). Yield and yield attributes of two exotic white maize hybrids at different agro-climatic regions of Bangladesh under varying fertilizer doses. Adv. Agr. Environ. Sci.; 2(2): 65-71. DOI: 10.30881/aaeoa.00024

29. Ullah, M. J., Linu S. B. B., Islam M. M., et al. (2018). Irrigation water management through using polyethylene mulch material. Adv. Agr. Environ. Sci.; 2(2): 54-63.DOI:10.30881/aaeoa.00023

30. Ullah, M. J.,Islam, M. M., Fatima, K., Mahmud, S. and Mannan, M.A. (2018). Performance of two exotic white maize hybrids as influenced by varying soil moisture regimes during seedling transplantation. J. Expt. Bio sci.; 9(2): 59-70

31. O.J. Won, M.Y. Eom, Y.T. Kim, M.S.H. Bir, T.S. Park, M.R. Uddin, T.K. OH, Y. SHINOGI and K.W. Park. 2017. Growth Response of Rice and Paddy Weeds under Elevated Temperatures. J. Fac. Agr. Kyushu Univ., 62 (1), 63-67.

32. Ullah, M. J.,Islam, M. M., Fatima, K., Mahmud, S., Rahman, J. and Akhter, S. (2017). Comparing modern varieties of white maize with local races: ear characters. J. Expt. Bio sci.; 8(2): 49-58

33. Ullah, M. J., Islam, M. M., Fatima, K., Mahmud, M.S., Akhter, S., Rahman, J. and Md. Quamruzzaman, M. (2017). Comparing modern varieties of white maize with landraces in Bangladesh: phenotypic traits and plant characters. J. Expt. Bio sci.;8(1): 27- 40

34. Robin A.H.K., Matthew C., Uddin M.J., Bayazid K.N. (2016). Phytomer level data provides understanding of salinity-induced reduction in root surface area in wheat. Journal of Experimental Botany erw064. doi: 10.1093/jxb/erw064

35. M.M. Islam, M.H. Rahman, M.S. Islam, M. Saha, M.Kamruzzaman, M.S.H. Bir, S.W. Roh and K.W. Park. 2016. Effect of different transplanting methods on yield of Binadhan-14 (Oryza sativa L.) at late boro season under climate change. Res. on Crops 17 (4): 652-656. DOI: 10.5958/2348-7542.2016.00109.1

36. M.S. Islam, M.M. Islam, M.H. Rahman, M.S.H. Bir, J.J. Lee And K.W. Park. 2016. Effect of herbicides on weed infestation and yield in boro rice. Res. on Crops 17 (3): 415-420. DOI:10.5958/2348- 7542.2016.00068.1

37. M.M. Islam, M.S. Islam, M.H. Rahman, M. Saha, M.S.H. Bir, M.M.H. Sohel, J.J. Lee and K.W. Park. 2016. Effect of different transplanting dates on the yield and yield components of Binadhan-14 (Oryza sativa L.) under climatic conditions in Bangladesh. Res. on Crops 17 (2): 188-193. DOI : 10.5958/2348-7542.2016.00033.4

38. Spindel J, Begum H, Akdemir D, Collard B, Redoña E, Jannink J, and McCouch 2015. Genome Wide Prediction Models that Incorporate denovo GWA Sarea Powerful New Tool for Tropical Rice Improvement: Heredity (2016) 116, 395–408. (Number of citations- 112) (

39. M. J. Ullah, M. M. Islam, K. Fatima, M.S. Mahmud and J. Rahman, (2016). Performance of seedling transplantation of white maize under varying planting geometry. J. Expt. Bio sci.; 7 (2): 21-28

40. Robin A.H.K., Uddin M.J., Bayazid K.N. (2015). Polyethylene Glycol (PEG)-Treated Hydroponic Culture Reduces Length and Diameter of Root Hairs of Wheat Varieties. Agronomy 5:506-518. doi: 10.3390/agronomy5040506

41. N. Afrin, M.S.U. Bhuiya, M.R. Uddin, M.S.H.Bir and K.W. Park. 2015. Combined effect of herbicides on the weed management of rice. Res. on Crops 16 (3): 416-421.DOI: 10.5958/2348-7542.2015.00057. 42. Begum H, Spindel J, Lalusin A, Borromeo T, Gregorio G, Hernandez J, et al. 2015. Genome Wide Association Mapping for Yield and Other Agronomic Traitsinan Elite Breeding Population of Tropical Rice (Oryza Sativa). PLoS ONE 10(3): e0119873. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0119873. (Number of citations- 101) (

43. Spindel J, Begum H, Akdemir D, Virk P, Collard B, et al. 2015. Genomic Selection and Association Mapping in Rice (Oryza Sativa): Effect of Trait Genetic Ar-chitecture, Training Population Composition, Marker Number and Statistical Model on Accuracy of Rice Genomic Selectionin Elite, Tropical Rice Breeding Lines. PloS Genet 11(2): e1004982. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1004982, (Number ofcitations- 249). (

44. M.S.H. Bir, M.P. Anwar, M.M. Haque, M.S. Islam and M.H. Rahman. 2014. Zinc Nutrition of Fine Rice Varieties. J. of Agrofor. Environ. 7(2):201-203.

45. Munira S.A, Hossain M.M, Bir M.S.H, Haque M.M and Islam M.S. 2014. Combined effect of manures and fertilizers on the yield and quality of rice cv. Binadhan-7. BJPST: 12(2): 149-154. (online)

46. Robbani M.G, Hoque M.A, Bir M.S.H, Haque M.M and Uddin M.J. 2014. Effects of different sources of phosphorus on the growth and yield of BRRI dhan29. BJPST: 12(1): 35-38. (online)

47. M.S.H. Bir, M.Y. Eom, M.R. Uddin, T.S. Park, H.W. Kang, D.S. Kim and K.W. Park. 2014. Weed Population Dynamics under Climatic Change. Weed Turf. Sci. 3(3):174-182. (online)

48. M.S. Islam, M.A.R. Sarkar, M.S.H. Bir, M.M. Haque and N.A.M.E. Kabir. 2013. Effect of spacing of transplanting and combined level of poultry manure and NPKS fertilizers on the yield and yield components of the Boro rice cv. BRRI dhan29. Bangladesh j. crop sci. 25: 59-66.

49. A. Begum, M. Salim, M.S.H. Bir, M.M. Haque and M.S. Islam. 2013. Effect of sowing time on fibre on seed yields of kenaf varieties. Bangladesh j. crop sci. 25: 67- 72.

50. M.M. Haque, M.A. Ali, M.R. Haque, M.S.H. Bir and N.A.M.E. Kabir. 2013. Effect of container and treatment with lemon grass extract on health and quality of stored chilli seeds. Agrofor. Environment. 7(2):143-148.

51. Begum H, Motalib M. A, Akhter A, Kulsum M. U, Hasan M. J. 2013. Screening and Evaluation for Resistance to Bacterial Blight for Rice (Xanthomonas oryzae Pv. Oryzae). Eco-friendly Agri. J. 6(01): 10-12.

52. Begum H, Motalib M. A, Akhter A, Kulsum M. U, Roy R. K. 2013. Wild Species Identification Using Morphological Markers. Eco-friendly Agri. J. 6(01): 13-16.

53. Laila, L., Aminuzzaman, F. M., Islam, M. R., Rayhan, S. J., & Tania, S. N. (2013). Evaluation of Some Wheat Varieties against Leaf Blight (Bipolaris sorokiniana). J. Sher-e-Bangla Agric. Univ., 7(2), 1-6.

54. S. S. Das, M. S. A Fakir, A Ferdausi and M. M. I. Biswas, (2012). Morphological growth and biochemical features of Dipogon lignosus (L.) Verdc. bean. J. Bangladesh Agril. Univ.; 10 (1): 43- 48

55. Kulsum M. U, Hasan M. J, Begum H, Billah M. M, and Rahman H. 2011. Genetic Diversity of Some Restorer Lines for Hybrid Rice Development. Bangladesh Agril. Res. 36(1): 21-28. (Number ofcitations-9)

56. Khatun M, Ghosal S, Hasan M.R, Majumder R.R, Begum H. 2011. Correlation and Path Coefficiency of Rice Genotypes (Oryza Sativa) Eco-friendly Agril. J. 4 (12): 768-773.

57. Rahman, M. A., Ali, F., Hossain, K. A., & Laila, L. (2011). Screening of different eggplant cultivars against wilt disease caused by fungi, bacteria and nematodes. Journal of Experimental Science, 2(1), 6-10.

58. Begum H, Motalib M.A, Islam M.Z, Saki A.I, and AkterM. 2010. Effect of Differentp H Levels on Plant Regeneration from the Explants of Jute. Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 2(10): 5-10.

59. Begum H, Islam S. M. M, Shamsunnaher, Biswas P. L, and Ansari A. 2010. Effective of Different Concentration of Sucroseon Plant Regeneration of Jute. Intl. Bio Res. 8(2): 20-28.

60. Rahman M. M, Islam M. A, Shahidullah S. M, Islam S. M. M, and Begum H. 2010. Physiogenetic Variationin BRRI Developed T. Aman Rice (Oryza sativa) Varieties. The Agriculturist, 8(1): 32-37.

61. Khatun M, Biswas P. S, Hossain M. A, Hossain M. K. H, and Begum H. 2010. Genetic Variability, Character Association and Path Coefficient Analysis of Rice Genotypes (Oryza Sativa) Intl. J. Bio Res. 9(3): 36-40.

62. Akter A, Hassan M. J, Begum H, Kulsum M. U, and Hossain M. K. 2010. Combining Ability Analysis in Rice (Oryza sativa). Bangladesh J. Pl. Breed.Genet, 23(2): 07-13. (Number ofcitations-10)

63. Laila, L., Aminuzzaman, F. M., Islam, M. R., & Islam, M. A. (2010). Reaction of Some Wheat Varieties to Bipolaris sorokiniana. International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress Management, 1(3), 210-212.

64. Laila, L., Aminuzzaman, F. M., Islam, M. R., Islam M. A. & Rahman. M. A. (2010). Varietal reaction of leaf blight of wheat. International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Technology, 6(10),18-21.

65. AHMM Haque, MI Ara, MM Kamal, QM Mahmud and MMH Khurram, 2009. Efficacy of Plant Extracts and Hot Water Treatment in Controlling Major Seed Borne Fungal Pathogens of Chilli. Bangladesh Journal of Agriculturist, Vol. 2(1).

66. AHMM Haque, MI Ara, MM Kamal, QM Mahmud and ABMA Uddin, 2009. Efficacy of Fungicides and Solar Heat Treatment in Controlling Major Seed Borne Fungal Pathogens of Chilli. Eco-friendly Agriculture Journal, Vol. 2(7).

67. Begum H, Ahmed M. S, Khatun M, Akter A, Hossain M. K. 2009. Invitro Regeneration Performance of Corchorus Species. Eco-friendly Agril. J. 2(3): 490-493.

68. Begum H, Khatun M, Siddique M. A, Akter A, Hossain M. K. 2009. Influence of Different Concentration of Surfactants on Plant Regeneration from Cotyledons of Corchorus Capsularis and Corchorus Olitorius. Eco-friendly Agril. J. 2 (4): 499-502.

69. Begum H, Khatun A, Bhuiyan M. S. R, Afroza F, Khatoon R. 2009. Influence of Different Concentration of Vitamins on Plant Regeneration from Cotyledons Of Corchorus Capsularis and Corchorus Olitorius. Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 34(1): 117-121.

70. Begum H, Khalequzzaman M, Akter A, Ali M. P, and Motalib M. A. 2009. Influence of Different Concentration of Vitamins on Plant Regeneration from Two Cultivated Species of Jute. SAARC J. Agri., 7(1): 72-84.

71. Rahman M. M, Rahman M. Rahman M. L, Begum H, and Islam S. M. M. 2009. Molecular Characterization and Diversity Analysis of Brassica Genotypes. Bangladesh J. Pl. Breed. Genet, 22(1): 01-08.

72. Khatun M. T, Bari M. A. A, Zaman M. A, Begum H, and Akter S. 2009. Heterosis Estimates in F2 Diallel Population of Spring Wheat under Interaction Cultural Environments. Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 34(1): 123-141.

73. Ali M. P, Asaduzzaman M, Uddin M. A, Khatun R, and Begum H. 2009. Efficacy of Sesame Oil as Protectant of Seed Against Pulse Beetle (Callosobruchus Chinensis) (L) on Stored Gram Seed. Eco-friendly Agril. J. 2(5): 555-558.

74. Siddique M.A, Islam N, Begum H, Bhuiya A, and Mamun M.A.A. 2009. Effect of Plant Spacing and Nitrogen Level on the Yield Performance of Transplant Aman Rice CV. Surjomoni. Eco-friendly Agril. J. 2 (6): 637-640.

75. Shamsunnaher, Gaffar M.A, Ansari A, Mukul M.H.R, and Begum H. 2009. Effect of Explants Ageofon Regeneration Capacity in Kenaf (Hibiscus Cannabi-nus L). Intl. J. Bio Res. 7(3): 7-13.

76. Islam M.Z, Begum H, Siddique M.A, Bhuiya A, and Dewan M.M.R. 2009. A Study on Wheat Seed Quality in Different Storage Containers. Eco-friendly Agril. J. 2 (12): 1033-1037.

77. Saki A.I, Zaman M.A, Khatun T.M, Kamal M.M, and Begum H. 2009. Genetic Variability, Correlationand Path Co-efficient Analysis for Agronomic Traits in checkpea (Cicer Arietinum L.). The Agriculturists 7(1&2): 12-21. (number of Citations- 2)

78. Islam M. J, Mollah M.I.U, Hossain M.S, and Begum H. 2009. Cracking Puddled Soils and Management for Increasing Water Retention Capacity. Eco-friendly Agril. J. 2 (10): 875-880.

79. Biswas P.L, Paul A.K, Hossain M.K, Akter A, Begum H, and Ghosal S. 2009. Variability and Character Association Studies in Hybrid Rice. Intl. J. Bio-Res. 7(1): 48-52.

80. Akter M, Haque M. A, Monsur M.A, Quais M.K, and Begum H. 2009. Biological Activity of Celaflor Against Pulse Beetle, Callosobruchus Maculatus (Fab). Bangladesh j. entomol. 19 (1),79-89.

81. Hossain K, Akter A, Begum H, Ansari A, and Rahman M.M. 2009. Linex Tester Analysis for Yield and its Related Traits in Rice (Oryza sativa). Bangladesh Pl. Breed. Genet. 22(1): 01-06. (number of citations-8)

82. Hossain K, Akter A, Begum H, Khatun M, and Masuduzzaman A. S. M. 2009. Genetic Diversity and its Association with Heterosis in Rice (Oryza Sativa). Bangladesh J. Pl. Breed. Genet. 22(2): 39-46.

83. Begum H, Khatun A, Bhuiyan M.S.R, Mukul M.H.R, and Zaman M.A. 2008. Effect of Different Levels of NaCl on Plant Regeneration from Cotyledons of Corchorus Capsularis and Corchorus Olitorius. Eco-friendly Agril. J. 1(2): 118-121.

84. Begum H, Khatun A, Bhuiyan M.S.R, and Akter K. 2008. Establishment of High Frequency Shoot Regeneration Method from Cotyledon Explants in Jute (Corchorus capsularis L) Eco-friendly Agril. J. 1 (3)L: 126-130.

85. Zaman M.M, Saifullah M, Haque M.A, and Begum H. 2007. Growth Quality and Yield of Two Lettuce Cultivars as Influenced by Harvesting Stages. Bangladesh J. Prog. Sci & Tech. 5 (2): 369-372.

86. Afroze F, Hossain M.F, Ali M, Sadat M.A, and Begum H. 2007. Genetic Variability and Character Association in Ash Gourd. (Beninkasa Hispida T). J. agric. educ. technol 10 (land 2): 105-110.

87. M.N. Ahsan, M.P. Anwar, M.S.H. Bir and M.A.R. Sarkar. 2007. Integrated Nutrient Management for fine rice following system of rice intensification (Sri) technique. Agrofor. Environment. 1(2):137-140.

88. QM Mahmud, S. M. Rabiul Hasan, AHMM Haque and Md. Farhad Hussain 2006.Effect of Irrigation time on the Yield and Seed Quality of Soybean. Bangladesh Journal of Environmental Science, Vol. 12(1).

89. M. A. Hossain, M. M. I. Biswas and M.S.A Fakir, (2006). Effect of defoliation at bud initiation stage on dry mass production and yield in cowpea. Bangladesh. J. Crop. Sci., 17 (1): 129-136

90. M. I. Biswas, M. A. Hossain and M. S. A Fakir, (2005). Effect of defoliation at vegetative stage on dry mass production and yield in cowpea. J. Bangladesh. Agril. Univ. 3 (1): 13-20