
Dr. Lutfunnaher Laila

Assistant Professor
Faculty and Department Affiliation

Faculty of Agriculture
Department of Agriculture

Degrees and Universities Attended

PhD  in  Plant  Pathology,  Sher-e-Bangla  Agricultural  University,  Dhaka,  Bangladesh,  2022.

MS  in  Plant  Pathology,  Sher-e-Bangla  Agricultural  University,  Dhaka,  Bangladesh,  2006.

Bachelor  of  Education  (B.Ed.),  Khan  Bahadur  Ahsan  Ullah  Teachers  Training  College,  Dhaka,  Bangladesh,  2014.

BSc  in  Agriculture  (Hons.),  Sher-e-Bangla  Agricultural  University,  Dhaka,  Bangladesh,  2002

Short Introduction

Dr. Lutfunnaher Laila was born in the Kishoregonj District in Bangladesh. Dr. Laila has been appointed as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Agriculture, City University, Birulia, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Prior joining to the City University she was teaching at the College of Development Alternative (CODA) as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Agriculture Science. Dr. Laila is a rice blast scientist who significantly contributed to the nation. He has more than seventeen (17) years of teaching and research experience in different reputed institutions. She carried out different research on field crops especially rice and wheat blast with agronomical, varietal and different botanicals and chemical treatments. She also published nine (9) articles in different reputed national and international journals. Dr. Laila received a Ph.D. research fellowship from Sayed Momena Montaj Foundation, National Agri Care Group, CGDL Sonorgaon Tower, Kathalbagan, Dhaka-1205. Dr. Laila is a member of the different professional societies.

Teaching Experience

Seventeen  (17)  years  of  teaching  and  research  experience
1.  July  08,  2023,  to  till,  Assistant  Professor,  Department  of  Agriculture,  Faculty  of  Agriculture,  City  University,  Birulia,  Savar,  Dhaka-1216,  Bangladesh.

2.  September  14,  2014,  to  July  07,  2023,  Assistant  Professor,  Department  of  Agriculture  Science,  College  of  Development  Alternative  (CODA),  Dhaka-1205,  Bangladesh.

3.  September  30,  2014,  to  December  31,  2021,  PhD  Research  Scholar,  Department  of  Plant  Pathology,  Sher-e-Bangla  Agricultural  University,  Dhaka,  Bangladesh.

4.  September  02,  2008,  to  September  13,  2014,  Senior  Lecturer,  Department  of  Agriculture  Science,  College  of  Development  Alternative  (CODA),  Dhaka-1205,  Bangladesh.

5.  September  02,  2006,  to  September  01,  2008,  Lecturer,  Department  of  Agriculture  Science,  College  of  Development  Alternative  (CODA),  Dhaka-1205,  Bangladesh.

Research Interest

Dr.  Laila's  research  focus  includes  but  is  not  limited  to,  rice  blast,  wheat  blast,  and  wheat  blight.


1. Nazifa,  Z.,  Aminuzzaman,  F.  M.,  Laila,  L.,  &  Ashrafi,  M.  L.  (2021).  Comparative  in  Vitro  Efficacy  Assessment  Methods  of  a  Bioagent  Trichoderma  harzianum  THR  4  against  Rice  Blast  Pathogen  Magnaporthe  oryzae.  Open  Access  Library  Journal,  8(12),  1-13.

2. Nazifa,  Z.,  Aminuzzaman,  F.  M.,  Laila,  L.,  &  Rehena,  M.  K.  (2021).  In  Vitro  Efficacy  of  Botanicals  against  Rice  Blast  Pathogen  Magnaporthe  oryzae.  American  Journal  of  Plant  Sciences,  12(4),  662-678.

3. Nazifa,  Z.,  Aminuzzaman,  F.  M.,  Akhter,  K.,  Rehena,  M.  K.,  &  Laila,  L.  (2021).  Survey  on  Rice  Blast  and  Morphological  Characterization  of  Magnaporthe  oryzae.  Journal  of  Advances  in  Microbiology,  21,  8-21.

4. Rayhanul,  M.  I.,  Aminuzzaman,  F.  M.,  Chowdhury,  M.  S.  M.,  Laila,  L.,  &  Ahmed,  M.  (2019).  Survey  on  Rice  Blast  in  Some  Selected  Area  of  Bangladesh  and  in  Vitro  Evaluation  of  Fungicides  against  Pyricularia  oryzae.  Bangladesh  Journal  of  Plant  Pathology,  35,  59-64.

5. Tanjina,  A.,  Aminuzzaman,  F.  M.,  Islam,  M.  R.,  Joty,  A.  A.,  Laila,  L.,  &  Rayhanul,  M.  I.  (2019).  Survey  on  Wheat  Blast  and  Morphological  Variability  of  Magnaporthe  oryzae  triticum  in  Two  South-Western  Districts  of  Bangladesh.  Bangladesh  Journal  of  Plant  Pathology,  35,  39-46.

6. Laila,  L.,  Aminuzzaman,  F.  M.,  Islam,  M.  R.,  Rayhan,  S.  J.,  &  Tania,  S.  N.  (2013).  Evaluation  of  Some  Wheat  Varieties  against  Leaf  Blight  (Bipolaris  sorokiniana).  J.  Sher-e-Bangla  Agric.  Univ.,  7(2),  1-6.  

7. Rahman,  M.  A.,  Ali,  F.,  Hossain,  K.  A.,  &  Laila,  L.  (2011).  Screening  of  different  eggplant  cultivars  against  wilt  disease  caused  by  fungi,  bacteria  and  nematodes.  Journal  of  Experimental  Science,  2(1),  6-10.

8. Laila,  L.,  Aminuzzaman,  F.  M.,  Islam,  M.  R.,  &  Islam,  M.  A.  (2010).  Reaction  of  Some  Wheat  Varieties  to  Bipolaris  sorokiniana.  International  Journal  of  Bio-resource  and  Stress  Management,  1(3),  210-212.

9. Laila,  L.,  Aminuzzaman,  F.  M.,  Islam,  M.  R.,  Islam  M.  A.  &  Rahman.  M.  A.  (2010).  Varietal  reaction  of  leaf  blight  of  wheat.  International  Journal  of  Sustainable  Agricultural  Technology,  6(10),18-21.