
Jannatul Busra

Faculty and Department Affiliation

Faculty of Agriculture
Department of Agriculture

Degrees and Universities Attended

M.S.    in    Soil  Science,    Bangladesh    Agricultural    University,    2022

B.Sc.  Ag.(Hons.),    Bangladesh  Agricultural  University,  2019

Short Introduction

Jannatul Busra is serving as a Lecturer in the department of Agriculture, City University. Before joining in that department she was working as a Research Assistant of Soil Science Department, Bangladesh Agricultural University. Besides her academic career she was also working as a continuity announcer at Bangladesh Betar, Mymensingh. She always wants to grow along with the organization and become a professional and excellent repute by effectively contributing towards the goal of the organization.

Teaching Experience

Worked  as  a  Research  Assistant  in  Soil  science  Department,  Bangladesh  Agricultural  University,  Mymensingh  from  2020-2022.

Research Interest

Soil  fertility  reclamation  with  different  organic  matter  amendments.  Working  with  different  types  of  biofertilizers,  trace  nutrients  and  soil  health.

