
Sourav Sarker

Faculty and Department Affiliation

Faculty of Agriculture
Department of Agriculture

Degrees and Universities Attended

• Master  of  Science  in  Agricultural  Extension  Education  [2021]
• Bachelor  of  Science  in  Agriculture,  Bangladesh  Agricultural  University  [2019]

Short Introduction

I am active and enterprising on responsibilities, practically confident on my knowledge and technical skills in the field of agriculture. I have Field level knowledge and working experience with the vulnerable group as a field coordinator & research assistant. Before joining that department, I worked as a Field Coordinator at ACI Logistics Limited (Quality assurance & Audit department) GLOBAL GAP Certified Standard. I always want to grow along with the organization and become a professional and excellent repute by effectively contributing towards the goal of the organization.

Teaching Experience

• Lecture,  City  University,  Dhaka  [April  2024  –  Present]

Industrial  Experience
• Field  Coordinator  at  ACI  Logistics  Limited  (Shwapno)  April  2023-  July  2023

• Research  Assistant  at  Project:  “Capacity  strengthening  of  resource  poor  Haor  people  in  resource  management  for  their  livelihood  improvement”.  (January  2019  –  June2020)  Bangladesh  Agricultural  University  Research  System  (BAURES),  Bangladesh  Agricultural  University,  Mymensingh-2202  

Research Interest

• Climate  Smart  Agriculture
• Motivation,  Awareness,  Capacity  building
• Innovation  diffusion


1.  Sarker,  S.,  Kabir,  KH.,  Uddin,  M.N.,  Leggette,  HR.,  Schneider,  UA.,  Darr,  D.,  Knierim,  A.  2022.  Furthering  climate-smart  farming  with  the  introduction  of  floating  agriculture  in  Bangladeshi  wetlands:  Successes  and  limitations  of  an  innovation  transfer.  Journal  of  Environmental  Management,323.  

2.  Uddin,  M.N.,  Hossain,  M.I.,  Rahman,  M.H.,  Sarker,  S.  2020.  Participation  of  Farmers  in  Resource  Management  Activities  at  Selected  Haor  Areas  in  Netrokona  District.  Journal  of  Bangladesh  Agricultural  University,  18(0),1.  

3.  Thesis:  “Rationale  and  Motivation  of  Haor  Farmers  in  Adopting  Floating  Agriculture
Awards  &  Grants  
• National  Science  and  Technology  (NST)  Fellowship  (2019)

• Life  member  at  Bangladesh  Agricultural  University  Extension  Society  (BAES)